Caso FCI.100 Fomini Crema Inox Milk Frother, No Burning
Caso FCI.100 Fomini Crema Inox Milk Frother, No Burning is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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Caso Design is renowned for its commitment to unique and innovative products that consistently exceed expectations. The Caso Fomini Crema Inox is designed to effortlessly produce rich and creamy milk froth for your favorite beverages, such as latte macchiatos and cappuccinos. Within a very short time, this electric milk frother can create froth that rivals that of a professional barista. Whether you enjoy your milk froth hot or cold, this versatile frother can cater to your preferences, guaranteeing a delightful beverage experience every time. With this innovative appliance, you can also whip up delicious hot chocolate, adding even more versatility to your beverage options. Whether you prefer a classic cup of cocoa or want to explore with flavored varieties, the Caso Fomini Crema Inox ensures your hot chocolates are consistently smooth and velvety. One of the standout features of the Caso Fomini Crema Inox is its double non-stick coating. This ensures that your milk won't burn or stick to the frother, providing peace of mind and eliminating the tedious task of scrubbing off burnt milk residue. You'll be able to enjoy your frothed milk or hot chocolate without any unwanted flavors or burnt bits, making your experience even more enjoyable.
Product Name
Country of Origin (subject to change)
Spec Sheet
FeaturesElectric appliance froths and heats milk for barista quality drinks at home, Ideal for making hot chocolate latte macchiato and cappuccino, No burning due to non-stick coating and auto shutoff, Perfect for small portions of milk froth: Heating 6.8 fl. oz. / Frothing 3.4 fl. oz., Sleek stainless steel design with heat-insulating comfort grip
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