Bosch SGV78C53UC 800 24" Cust Panel, 6/5 cycles, 42 dBA, Hm Cnnct, Stndrd 3rd Rck
Bosch SGV78C53UC 800 24" Cust Panel, 6/5 cycles, 42 dBA, Hm Cnnct, Stndrd 3rd Rck is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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24 Inch Fully Integrated Built-In Panel Ready Smart Dishwasher with 15 Place Setting Capacity. The Bosch 800 Series Dishwasher 24" SGV78C53UC is a top control dishwasher with a stainless steel tub and a third rack for extra loading capacity. It features the CrystalDry technology that transforms moisture into heat up to 176°F to get dishes 60% drier, even plastics. It also has the InfoLight® that projects a red light onto the floor to indicate that the dishwasher is running. It has six wash cycles and eight wash options, including the Sanitize option that eliminates up to 99.9% of bacteria and enhances drying results. It has a silence level of 42 dBA, making it one of the quietest dishwashers in its class.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
Features42 dBA: dishwasher runs quietly so your kitchen conversations aren't interrupted., Patented CrystalDry™ technology transforms moisture into heat to get dishes including plastics 60% drier., Get hands-free voice operation with Amazon Alexa or Hey Google smart reordering of detergent tabs via the Amazon Alexa app plus so much more -all with the Home Connect™ app on your smartphone., 3rd rack provides the perfect space for silverware and large utensils while its V shape leaves room below for taller items., AquaStop Plus® detects leaks with a dual sensor system and then contains them for premium protection.
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