Bosch SHEM3AY52N S100 24" Recessed Hndl Dishwasher, 50 dBA
Bosch SHEM3AY52N S100 24" Recessed Hndl Dishwasher, 50 dBA is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
Delivery and Shipping
Delivery and Shipping
Bosch Products can be shipped via standard methods using carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Very large, heavy, or bulky items (like bathtubs and appliances) as well as large-quantity orders, may require oversized freight delivery, which can add an additonal shipping charge. Please contact us if you have any questions at 844-438-7674
Return Policy
Return Policy
You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
Please contact us if you have any questions
The 100 Series Dishwasher is the new quiet, convenient, and efficient addition to your kitchen. Designed with 18 sound reducing technologies, Bosch dishwashers are seen and not heard to let you enjoy peace and quiet in your home. A removable cutlery basket gives you the option for more dish space or organized utensils that don't get lost in the cracks. When your dishes are done, so are you. With Bosch PrecisionWash, intelligent sensors continually scan and check the progress of dishes throughout the cycle, and powerful, precision spray arms go to work targeting every item of every load. Bosch dishwashers are engineered to the highest standards. Every Bosch dishwasher undergoes 485 quality checks, so that we can deliver quality that you can count on.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
FeaturesSize: 24, Place Settings Capacity: 14, Number of Programmes: 6, Program Type: Express, Program Type: Delicate
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Your payment information is processed securely. We do not store credit card details.