Bosch SHXM63W55N S300 24" Bar Hndl Dishwasher, 44 dBA, 3rd Rack, InfoLight
Bosch SHXM63W55N S300 24" Bar Hndl Dishwasher, 44 dBA, 3rd Rack, InfoLight is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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After slaving over a home cooked meal for your family, who wants to worry about the clean up? With the Bosch 300 Series dishwasher, youll never have to fret again. This sleek, stainless steel appliance is one of the quietest dishwasher brands in the country, with a 44dBA noise rating; loud running noises will be an issue of the past. Featuring a third rack, an additional 30% more loading area is available for versatile packing options. In addition to its extra space, the RackMatic feature offers three height levels for nine possible rack positions. The unit is equipped with five wash cycles that have 4 different setting options, fitted all of your cleaning needs for up to sixteen place settings. With its Energy Star rating, doing your dishes with the Bosch unit will keep energy and water costs to a minimum.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
FeaturesWith 20" width this dishwasher is ideal for keeping your large pots and plates as good as new, With 5 programs' setting expect nothing less than remarkable performance and lower energy bills, 44 dB(A) noise levels allow you to do the dishes during naptime with no noise whatsoever, Handle small or large loads easily and efficiently with 16 place setting capacity, The 269 kwh annual energy consumption helps you save significantly on electric consumption while maintaining remarkable performance
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