ANZZI T1-AZ065 Talos 2-piece 1.28 GPF Single Flush Elongated Toilet in White
ANZZI T1-AZ065 Talos 2-piece 1.28 GPF Single Flush Elongated Toilet in White is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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ANZZI Products can be shipped via standard methods using carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Very large, heavy, or bulky items (like bathtubs and appliances) as well as large-quantity orders, may require oversized freight delivery, which can add an additonal shipping charge. Please contact us if you have any questions at 844-438-7674
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Return Policy
You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
Please contact us if you have any questions
ANZZI is introducing the latest in modern bathroom technology with the exquisitely crafted and ergonomically engineered TALOS series toilets. Made with RHINO ALLOY certified vitreous china and designed for maximum comfort the TALOS is provides long lasting beauty and use. The elegantly modern design houses a powerful 1.28 GPF single flush gravity assisted system. With ANZZI you will get a high performance toilet with Flush & Forget reliability.
FeaturesIncludes: Two piece toilet, soft close toilet seat, mounting hardware, Elegant two piece craftsmanship and design, Elongated wide surface shape for greater comfort, Crafted from long lasting RHINO ALLOY certified vitreous china in white, cUPC certified for safety and reliability, Classic left hand side polished chrome plated flush handle, Powerful gravity assisted for a reliable flush and forget experience, Matching Feather Soft Closing seat is engineered to provide a spacious and comfortable seat while catching and softly closing the lid, Standard 12 in. rough-in, Formidable 1.28 GPF flushing power, Ships from factory within 24 hours once order is processed, Lifetime Warranty, To speak to a knowledgeable and dedicated ANZZI specialist simply call 1-844-44-ANZZI or visit us on the web at
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