Family Owned and Operated Since 2012

CALI North Shore Oak Longboards Extra Wide Click Case (Covers 26.62 sqft) 7902501000

CALI  |  SKU: 7902501000
$14081 USD
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CALI North Shore Oak Longboards Extra Wide Click Case (Covers 26.62 sqft) 7902501000 is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.

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North Shore Oak Longboards 9" X 70 X 8mm Thickness Extra Wide Click Lock Waterproof Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

If you are worried that your pet might ruin your flooring, then you can give this flooring a shot. The vinyl flooring is resistant to stains and scratches. So, it will effortlessly last even if your pet likes to have fun scratching the floor. Adding on, these are pretty rigid flooring planks resistant to breaking or chipping. The 8 mm thick planks are ideal in terms of strength and durability.

Furthermore, the vinyl plank flooring contains several excellent features, making them an ideal indoor option. In addition, the planks are suitable for both residential and commercial locations. So, if you plan to use them in commercial spaces like offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, retail stores, hospitals, etcetera, you can indeed consider doing that.

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CALI North Shore Oak Longboards Extra Wide Click Case (Covers 26.62 sqft) 7902501000

$14081 USD

North Shore Oak Longboards 9" X 70 X 8mm Thickness Extra Wide Click Lock Waterproof Luxury Vinyl Plank Flooring

If you are worried that your pet might ruin your flooring, then you can give this flooring a shot. The vinyl flooring is resistant to stains and scratches. So, it will effortlessly last even if your pet likes to have fun scratching the floor. Adding on, these are pretty rigid flooring planks resistant to breaking or chipping. The 8 mm thick planks are ideal in terms of strength and durability.

Furthermore, the vinyl plank flooring contains several excellent features, making them an ideal indoor option. In addition, the planks are suitable for both residential and commercial locations. So, if you plan to use them in commercial spaces like offices, hotels, restaurants, shopping centers, retail stores, hospitals, etcetera, you can indeed consider doing that.




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