Gerber GA510015 New - Treysta Ceramic Disc Cartridge
Gerber GA510015 New - Treysta Ceramic Disc Cartridge is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Gerber Products can be shipped via standard methods using carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Very large, heavy, or bulky items (like bathtubs and appliances) as well as large-quantity orders, may require oversized freight delivery, which can add an additonal shipping charge. Please contact us if you have any questions at 844-438-7674
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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Engineered with the experts in mind, the Treysta tub and shower valve is Gerber's most innovative valve yet. Powered by more than 85 years of Gerber performance, Treysta provides flexibility based on the specific requirements of each installation. From the intuitive open-and-close stops for easy maintenance, to easy installation and pressure-testing features, Treysta saves both time and money. Fully compatible with Gerber ONLY rough-ins and shower trim kits, Treysta helps you get the job done quickly and confidently giving you peace of mind backed by Gerber reliability. New - Treysta Ceramic Disc Cartridge
Product Name
FeaturesShips with Gerber trim kits | Ceramic disc for durability and easy maintenance | ASSE 1016 performance at a minimum of 1.3 GPM | Maximum flow of 7.3 GPM at 80 psi | Compatible with all Treysta Rough-In Valves, sold separately | Includes easily-adjustable maximum temperature limiting device | Accommodates back-to-back or reversed inlet installations | Compatible with all Gerber trim kits ending in 'TC' | Not compatible with Danze trim kits
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