Hanover TRADDNWB9PCSWC-RED Traditions9pc: 8 Wicker Back Swivel Rockers, 42"x84" Cast Table
Hanover TRADDNWB9PCSWC-RED Traditions9pc: 8 Wicker Back Swivel Rockers, 42"x84" Cast Table is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Take your meal outdoors with the Traditions 9-piece dining set. This set includes eight wicker back swivel rockers and an extra large 42 x 84 in. cast-top dining table. The spacious dining table features an intricately patterned cast top and offers a generous amount of room for food and beverages. With its decorative and supportive aluminum wicker-textured back, the swivel rocker performs a smooth, 360-degree spin and gentle rocking motion for guests to enjoy. Thick foam seat cushions are provided for each chair ensuring maximum comfort and relaxation. Sealed in premium outdoor fabric, these cushions are treated to resist water, stains, and UV fading while also maintaining their original shape. Designed for hosts who enjoy entertaining outdoors, let the Traditions dining collection provide the perfect setting for your next outdoor event.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
Features9-Piece Dining Set from the Traditions Collection, Set includes eight wicker back swivel rockers eight seat cushions and cast-top dining table, All-weather construction sealed with a protective coating, Heavy-duty aluminium frames with ornate details, Frames naturally resist rust and corrosion
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