Hisense AHP1022TW1GD 10,000 BTU,Cool Only, Inverter, Dual Hose, R32
Hisense AHP1022TW1GD 10,000 BTU,Cool Only, Inverter, Dual Hose, R32 is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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This portable inverter air conditioner, best suited for medium sized rooms up to 450 square feet, with 10,000 BTUs of cooling power, provides more efficient and easier to use features whenever you need to stay cool. Inverter technology saves energy and maintains stable temperatures at the desired level by varying the rotation speed of the compressor, making it run quieter as well. Three different modes provide comfort, from cool mode when it's hot, to fan mode for better ventilation. There is even a dry mode to remove excess moisture on extra humid days. The control panel and remote control are simple and intuitive while the unit's Wi-fi capability allows you to adjust your settings from anywhere at anytime by simply using the ConnectLife app on your mobile device. More convenience features include sleep mode, a 24-hour timer, and auto-restart after a power outage. With the included window venting kit, the air conditioner can be easily installed and put into operation anywhere. The maintenance is simple thanks to the washable and removable air filter and the 2 year warranty gives you peace of mind while you relax and enjoy the cool.
Product Name
Features10000 BTU portable air conditioner, Cools a room up to 450-sq. ft., Inverter technology saves energy and enables quieter operation, Wi-fi connectivity with the ConnectLife app, 3 fan speeds
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