Family Owned and Operated Since 2012

John Boos CB4C-W120801 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) 12X08X1 WAL-EDGE GR-REV-

John Boos  |  SKU: CB4C-W120801  |  Barcode: 662969742805
$6895 USD
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John Boos CB4C-W120801 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) 12X08X1 WAL-EDGE GR-REV- is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.

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Model #: CB4C-W120801 Weight: 2 lbs_The 4-Cooks Cutting Board Collection comes in 3 different sizes and is available in American Black Walnut. Each cutting board features a sleek beveled edge. The finger grip cutouts make it extremely easy to grip and flip in order to gain access to a reversible cutting surface. With a thickness of only 1″, these serve as more a lightweight version and can be transported around the kitchen with ease. Just the perfect size for chopping fruits and vegetables._Overview Thickness: 1" American Black Walnut Edge Grain Construction Beveled Edge Design Reversible With Finger Grip Cut-Out Oil Finish Renewable Sustainable Hardwoods Made In USA_Cutting Board Care & Maintenance Click To View Spec Sheet (CB4C-W_SPEC)_Description Model # UPC # Weight Carton Retail Price Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 12" x 8" x 1" - 12" x 8" x 1" CB4C-W120801 662969742805 2 lbs 13X9X2 $68.95 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 17" x 12" x 1" - 17" x 12" x 1" CB4C-W171201 662969742812 5 lbs 18X13X2 $111.95 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 20" x 14" x 1" - 20" x 14" x 1" CB4C-W201401 662969742829 7 lbs 21X15X2 $138.95 12X08X1 WAL-EDGE GR-REV-

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John Boos

John Boos CB4C-W120801 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) 12X08X1 WAL-EDGE GR-REV-

$6895 USD

Model #: CB4C-W120801 Weight: 2 lbs_The 4-Cooks Cutting Board Collection comes in 3 different sizes and is available in American Black Walnut. Each cutting board features a sleek beveled edge. The finger grip cutouts make it extremely easy to grip and flip in order to gain access to a reversible cutting surface. With a thickness of only 1″, these serve as more a lightweight version and can be transported around the kitchen with ease. Just the perfect size for chopping fruits and vegetables._Overview Thickness: 1" American Black Walnut Edge Grain Construction Beveled Edge Design Reversible With Finger Grip Cut-Out Oil Finish Renewable Sustainable Hardwoods Made In USA_Cutting Board Care & Maintenance Click To View Spec Sheet (CB4C-W_SPEC)_Description Model # UPC # Weight Carton Retail Price Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 12" x 8" x 1" - 12" x 8" x 1" CB4C-W120801 662969742805 2 lbs 13X9X2 $68.95 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 17" x 12" x 1" - 17" x 12" x 1" CB4C-W171201 662969742812 5 lbs 18X13X2 $111.95 Walnut Cutting Board 1" Thick (4-Cooks Collection) - 20" x 14" x 1" - 20" x 14" x 1" CB4C-W201401 662969742829 7 lbs 21X15X2 $138.95 12X08X1 WAL-EDGE GR-REV-




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