LifeSmart HFH-1500S 1500W Utility Milk House Heater
LifeSmart HFH-1500S 1500W Utility Milk House Heater is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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Bring this portable heater out of the milkhouse and into your home for 1500W of heating power. Portable heating allows you to establish zone-heating in your home by efficiently heating only those rooms you want to, when you want to. This unit features 4 settings, high, low, fan, and off, so you can customize your heating to your own comfort level. Simple knob controls with power indicator light and manual thermostat make the heater easy to use and control exactly to your liking. Overheat and tip-over protection will turn the unit off if they are engaged so you can be sure the heater is as safe as possible around your family. Its compact size and convenient carrying handle allow for easy portability to be moved from room to room wherever you need some warmth. Utilize multiple units where and when you choose in those rooms you use most often. Heating only the rooms you use, when you use them, can help in reducing your overall energy consumption. A 1-year warranty will give you the confidence to choose this milkhouse heater from Lifesmart and be warm in a flash.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
FeaturesMilkhouse indoor heater for large rooms, 4 settings include High (1500W) Low (750W) Fan and Off, One coil heating element, Equipped with overheat safety shutoff and tip-over safety shutoff, Durable exterior metal cabinet
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