LifeSmart LS-8WIQH-LB-IN 8 Element IR Heater Wood Cabinet
LifeSmart LS-8WIQH-LB-IN 8 Element IR Heater Wood Cabinet is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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LifeSmart Products can be shipped via standard methods using carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Very large, heavy, or bulky items (like bathtubs and appliances) as well as large-quantity orders, may require oversized freight delivery, which can add an additonal shipping charge. Please contact us if you have any questions at 844-438-7674
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Return Policy
You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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The revolutionary design of our heater features 8 of our quartz infrared elements that are wrapped in a metal heat exchanger coil for greater heat production and healthy heat for an extra-large room. In-house testing shows our heaters are more efficient than forced-air electric and more efficient than propane, yet this infrared heater only uses up to 1800-Watts of power. There are 3 energy savings settings including an Eco setting that will heat smaller areas consistently to 68 degrees. The heater is surrounded by our stylish all wood Quakertown Dark Oak cabinet that is cool to the touch. A built-in overheat and tip-over safety switch makes it so if it reaches a certain temperature or if it accidentally falls over, the unit will automatically shut off to keep you and your family safe. Easy-glide casters will easily move from the heater from room to room to bring you comfort wherever you need it. This amazing heater also includes a new larger remote control to operate the digital thermostat and dual timer settings can be used to turn the unit on in up to 12 hours (Batteries not included).
Product Name
Spec Sheet
FeaturesEight wrapped infrared quartz heating elements, Three heat settings: 750w/1500w/ and ECO maintains a constant 68º, Overheat safety switch, Tip-over safety switch, Cool touch exterior cabinet
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