Hanover MONT5PC-GRY Monterey5pc Seating Set: 2 Arm Chairs, Sofa, Coffee Table, Side Tbl
Hanover MONT5PC-GRY Monterey5pc Seating Set: 2 Arm Chairs, Sofa, Coffee Table, Side Tbl is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Transform your outdoor space into a swanky, mid-century modern den of luxury with the Monterey 5-piece conversation set by Hanover. The lounge-worthy collection includes two deep seating chairs, a sofa, a faux wood coffee table, and a matching side table. Borrowing from Scandinavian design, these stylish pieces possess a soft gray color scheme, faux wood grain, clean lines, and simple accents. The aesthetic may be modeled after mid-century decor, but with all the modern advantages. The entire collection is crafted using sturdy steel frames with a powder coated finish to protect against rust, scratches, and UV harm. The loveseat and deep seating side chairs have hand-woven wicker accents and plush cushions that are both comfortable and quick-drying. The matching tables feature faux wood grain tabletops and are the perfect landing spot for your favorite chilled beverage. Made with all-weather materials, youll enjoy timeless style from the Monterey collection for years to come.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
Features5-piece set from the Monterey Collection, Set includes: 2 side chairs sofa coffee table and side table, Heavy-duty steel frames are treated with a high-performance powder coating for extended protection against rust scratches and UV harm, Foam cushions are quick-drying and maintain their original shape, Coffee table and side table both have faux wood top
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