Panasonic NN-SN966SR 1250W, 2.2 cu ft. Sensor, Stainless Front & Silver Body, Flat P
Panasonic NN-SN966SR 1250W, 2.2 cu ft. Sensor, Stainless Front & Silver Body, Flat P is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The Panasonic 2.2 cu. ft. 1250-watt Genius Sensor microwave oven with Inverter Technology is perfect for the countertop or built-in installation. Unlike other microwave ovens, Inverter technology delivers a seamless stream of cooking power, even at lower settings, for precision cooking that preserves the flavor and texture of your favorite foods. With Inverter, you can poach, braise and even steam more delicate foods, all with the speed and convenience of a microwave! With the touch of our Genius Sensor cooking button, this microwave takes guesswork out of creating a great meal by automatically setting power levels and adjusting cooking or defrosting time. The sensor measures the amount of steam produced during cooking and signals the microprocessor to calculate the remaining cooking time at the appropriate power level. Plus with Turbo Defrost, you can thaw foods faster than ever!
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Spec Sheet
FeaturesPrepare meals in a flash to serve your family hot, This single oven is your perfect cooking partner that can fit anywhere in your kitchen, For roasting joints of meat and poultry grilling fish and baking cakes; the cooking space of 2.20 ft³ is impressive, It has a graceful stainless steel color for adding pep to your kitchen, Stainless and black screen door with push open door release
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