Sharp Insight SMD2440JS 24" / 1.2 CF Microwave Drawer
Sharp Insight SMD2440JS 24" / 1.2 CF Microwave Drawer is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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The Sharp SMD2440JS Microwave Drawer Oven with Sensor Cook makes the premium built-in kitchen of your dreams more accessible than ever before. Classic stainless steel design with a modern, angled touch control panel compliments your style. The built-in airflow control lets you choose between proud or flush mount installation in an island, peninsula, standard cabinetry, or beneath other 24-in. built-in appliances. The SMD2440JS takes the guesswork out of cooking with the Sensor Cook Center and Smart & Easy settings to cook old favorites like baked potatoes and popcorn, as well as new favorites like steamer bags, all without asking you for cooking time or power level. The Auto Defrost options are clear and simple to use, and the Keep Warm feature can hold warm dishes for up to 30 minutes. The thoughtful Rolls/Muffins feature warms rolls, muffins, or bagels from room temperature, refrigerated or frozen. The Sharp SMD2440JS Microwave Drawer Oven with Sensor Cook features our Easy Touch Automatic Drawer system to gently open the drawer with the touch of a button. Use the same button or give the drawer a small nudge, and it closes smoothly. The even, gliding action and solid construction help prevent liquids from spilling during opening and closing. The SMD2440JS can be wiped with a damp cloth inside and out for quick and easy cleanup. Audible signals can be turned on or off, and the control panel can be locked down to prevent accidental operation by small children and while cleaning. Now that is Simply Better Living.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
Features1.2-cu. ft. built-in microwave drawer, Install below an island peninsula or standard cabinetry, Sensor cook menu for precise cooking and reheating, Angled touch controls for easy viewing and operation, Includes built-in airflow control for flush installation
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