Sharp SJB1255GS 11.5 CF Counter-Depth Bottom-Mount Refrigerator, 24" Wide
Sharp SJB1255GS 11.5 CF Counter-Depth Bottom-Mount Refrigerator, 24" Wide is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The Sharp 24-in. Bottom-Freezer Counter Depth Refrigerator is a fresh and fitting addition to a well-planned kitchen where space is at a premium. Standing tall and slim, this sleek and contemporary stainless-steel refrigerator is fingerprint and smudge-resistant. The reversible door option is a thoughtful finishing touch to accommodate compact spaces. An innovative space-saving refrigerator with well-designed storage solutions, including two shelves, a spacious 4.2-cu. ft. freezer with three drawers, and a removable wine rack for quick and easy organization. The settings are at your fingertips with a bright, easy-to-read LED display and Electronic Temperature Control for each compartment. The Multi Air Flow distribution system helps to adjust the internal temperatures throughout the refrigerator quickly, while Freeze Boost brings an extra chill to the freezer when you need it. The dual-purpose Fresh Converter Drawer can be set to Chiller for fresh foods or Crisper to keep your fruits and vegetables crisp and delicious. Auto Defrost helps remove frost buildup in the freezer, so you always have the most storage space available.
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Spec Sheet
FeaturesThe slim and spacious 4.2-cu.ft. freezer fits all your frozen favorites with room to spare, Multi Air Flow evenly distributes air through multiple vents in both freezer and refrigerator, Select Vacation Mode to turn off the refrigerator cavity while your freezer remains on, Equipped with a removable wine rack perfect for chilling or displaying wine, Fresh converter drawer provides a chiller option for fresh food and a crisper option for fruits and vegetables
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