Alico Industries BV6T3-10-16M fixtures, Nickel Vanity Light, 24.75" D x 3.25" L x 4.88" H
Alico Industries BV6T3-10-16M fixtures, Nickel Vanity Light, 24.75" D x 3.25" L x 4.88" H is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Alico Industries BV6T3-10-16M Pandora Collection 3-Light Vanity Fixture is simple elegance at its best with the Matte Satin Nickel finish complementing the arch of a clean White Opal glass shades. Place in a bathroom or in a dressing room for some simple elegance. The BV6T3-10-16M is 24.75-Inch wide by 4.875-Inch high by 3.25-Inch extension, making this ADA compliant. This fixture includes the revolutionary new feature called the Front Plate Slide system which allows you to adjust your fixture up to 3-Inch laterally white maintaining a centered look. The BV6T3-10-16M comes one per package, and requires three 100-Watt T3 base halogen bulbs (not included), dimmable using a standard incandescent dimmer. Alico has over 50 years of experience in providing superior interior lighting solutions for any household or business application. The hallmark of our products is the fashionable yet functional premium quality built into every light we sell. Alicos collection of glass and metal pendants and sconces has been specifically designed to use light in way that not only illuminates but also enhances. From the simplistic to the sublime, our many contemporary designs and colors will help you shed light on the beauty of your world. Alicos unsurpassed Zee-Line and Zee-Puk under cabinet lighting systems are perfect where bright white task lighting is required. These Xenon fixtures generate 35-Percent less heat and have an average of 500-Percent longer lamp life than halogen. They are easy to install and are fully dimmable. Discover Alicos Fashion Lighting Collections and experience the beauty, creativity, and functionality of Alico's lighting products and accessories.
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