JHS A019J-05KR 7000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner
JHS A019J-05KR 7000 BTU Portable Air Conditioner is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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The JHS 7,000 BTU portable air conditioner, 5,100 BTU DOE standard, is perfect to keep you comfortable in any room of your home. Designed for a room up to 250 square feet, this unit is perfect for any home office, bedroom, living room, apartment or attic in your home. Built-in dehumidification capabilities remove up to 45 pints from your home per day. 2 fan speeds and an automatic swing louver effectively maintain airflow throughout your home. The sleep function gradually increases room temperature after being activated to keep you cool while getting a full nights rest. Integrated side handles and caster wheels help you transport the unit from room to room wherever you need relief the most. The included flexible exhaust hose and complete window venting kit makes setup very user-friendly. A 24-hour timer means that you can assure the unit only runs during times when you need it most. The easy-accessible washable permanent mesh filter is simple to clean and replace, keeping your unit cooling effectively throughout the warmest seasons of the year.
Product Name
Country of Origin (subject to change)
Spec Sheet
Features7000 BTU ASHRAE / 5100 BTU DOE, Portable air conditioner designed for a room up to 250 sq. ft., Perfect for home office bedroom living room apartment or attic, Electronic controls with LED display 2 speeds and programmable 24-hour timer, 3 operating modes - cool fan and dehumidify
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