Hisense AHD5024K1W 50 Pint Dehumidifier, Electronic Controls, E-Star, R32
Hisense AHD5024K1W 50 Pint Dehumidifier, Electronic Controls, E-Star, R32 is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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This Energy Star 50-pint dehumidifier quietly collects water and removes it from the air for a more comfortable home environment. Excess moisture is collected in the slide-out, 18.6-pint internal bucket or can discharge the water via connecting a standard garden hose through the side of the cabinet and into a low level drain. Reliable and eco-friendly, this dehumidifier can operate at temperatures as low as 38 degrees F to keep large rooms like garages or warehouses up to 4500 square feet moisture free. Easy digital controls and the very low sound level make this a versatile choice. The full tank alert feature automatically shuts off the unit when the bucket is full so there is no risk of overflowing. Additional features include an adjustable humidistat so you can customize your desired humidity level. Four caster wheels and integrated side handles make this unit easy to glide across the floor to a different area whenever you need. The maintenance is simple thanks to the washable and removable air filter and the 2 year warranty gives you peace of mind while you relax and enjoy drier, more comfortable air.
Product Name
FeaturesEnergy Star rated 50-pint portable dehumidifier, For rooms up to 4500-sq. ft., Slide-out water bucket of 18.6-pint capacity, Automatic shut off when bucket is full, 2 fan speeds
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