BOCCHI 2030 0001 CH Baveno Move+ Kitchen Faucet in Chrome
BOCCHI 2030 0001 CH Baveno Move+ Kitchen Faucet in Chrome is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Kitchen faucet with push down telescopic spout, 360? swivel spout. In polished chrome finish with brass body.
Product Name
CollectionBaveno Move+
Country of Origin (subject to change)
FeaturesTelescopic Push-Down Swivel Spout; Will hide away beneath the sink covers with BOCCHI 1633 Baveno sinks, Deck-mounted. Lever Handle for easy control, 2-hole setting, 24 in. flexible inlet hoses and stabilizer flange included. with extended 3.5 in. shank for easier installation, 35 mm ceramic cartridge, 1.75 gpm flow; meets CalGreen requirements and has a lead-free body, ASME A112.18.1 / CSA B125.1, Limited Lifetime Warranty
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