Icera White Cadence One-piece Toilet Chair-height, Elongated
Icera White Cadence One-piece Toilet Chair-height, Elongated is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Cadence One-Piece Toilet Epa WaterSense 1.28 gpf Rimless Wash Action Chair-Height Bowl Compact-Elongated Seat The innovative design of this new model features sleek lines and smooth contours that infuse high-end style to virtually any decor. The compact 27.5 bowl of the new Cadence one-piece toilet creates a subtle profile in the bath with a shorter front-to-back dimension than most round front toilets on the market. The Cadence one-piece toilet offers exceptional comfort and performance; including an Ada chair-height elongated bowl and super-quiet flush mechanism. Featuring Icera s EcoQuattro flushing technology the new Cadence is Epa WaterSense-compliant using only 1.28 gallons per flush. A large 9 x 7 water spot optimized rim jets and skirted trapway reduce odor and facilitate cleanliness. With an oversize 2-1/8 trapway and 3 flush valve clogging is virtually eliminated. Now featuring Icera s new Rimless Wash two large twin jets at the back of the bowl with an open rim facilitate a powerful flush and better hygiene. Combined with the MicroGlaze anti-microbial stain-resistant glaze the Rimless Wash makes grime under the bowl rim a thing of the past. Crafted in vitreous china the Cadence comes in white or biscuit with a solid brass trip lever. The toilet is shown with chrome trim; with several alternate trim finishes available to compliment your bath hardware and accessories. All toilets from Icera include a soft-close toilet seat with quick-release hinges are 100% factory flush tested and come with a limited lifetime warranty. Attributes > Vitreous china one-piece toilet > Chair-height 16-1/2 bowl rim > Compact-Elongated bowl > Skirted trapway > Soft-close quick-release seat and cover Action > Het > Rimless Wash > 1.28 gallons per flush > Oversized 3 flush valve chemical-resistant flapper > Siphon-jetted 2-1/8 trapway > Fully-glazed internal trap-way > 9 x 7 water surface area > 100% factory flush tested Accessories Included > Toilet seat and cover with slow-close hinges > Solid metal trip lever > Plastic floor bolt cover tiles Nominal Dimensions > 27-1/2 x 16 x 29-1/2 > 700 x 405 x 750 mm
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