Feiss OL13703ANBZ-L1 Urbandale Light Outdoor LED Wall Lantern Antique Bronze
Feiss OL13703ANBZ-L1 Urbandale Light Outdoor LED Wall Lantern Antique Bronze is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The Feiss Urbandale one light outdoor wall fixture in antique bronze enhances the beauty of your property, makes your home safer and more secure, and increases the number of pleasurable hours you spend outdoors. The Urbandale outdoor collection by Feiss has a modern design which features beveled edges achieved with the fine precision of crisp die-cast construction. Both incandescent and LED versions are available, and each offer slightly different aesthetic. The incandescent version is offered in the Antique Bronze finish which nicely contrasts with the Painted Burnished Brass finish on the squared-off candle holders and Clear Seeded glass to subtly obscure the light source. While the LED version is offered in an Antique Bronze finish with Clear Water glass. The advanced, LED module shines light down and has warm-on-dim technology which warms in color, going from 2700K to 2200K, when dimmed. The Urbandale Outdoor Collection includes small, medium, large and extra large outdoor wall lanterns as well as an outdoor post lantern. Constructed of a proprietary StoneStrong material for added strength, durability and longevity, the collection offers a 5-year warranty. Wet Rated.
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