Bosch HMC87152UC S800 27" Speed Oven, 1.6 CF, 120V, 1000W
Bosch HMC87152UC S800 27" Speed Oven, 1.6 CF, 120V, 1000W is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The Bosch 27-inch Speed Microwave Oven 800 Seriescan prepare a wide range of meals with a 1.6-cu. ft. speed microwave that combines a microwave and convection oven for a broad variety of cooking options. This 2-in-1 convection and microwave oven offers you a wide range of cooking options: the nine SpeedChef cooking cycles help prepare your foods quickly and the ten microwave power levels let your cook, defrost, or reheat food. With the Broil element you get 1750 watts of power, and with the Convection element features 1700 watts to cook your food perfectly. The electronic controls with LCD panel and stainless steel design help make operation quick and simple, and offers durability with a sleek look. With this microwave oven you get flexibility, installing perfectly flush with a Bosch Wall or Steam oven, or you can install it underneath a counter.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
FeaturesFunction: Microwave, Built-in Installation: Yes, Form Factor: Built-in, 1750 Watt Broil Element, 1000 Watts Microwave Power
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