Keystone KSTAD110PD 110 Pint Dehum w/ Pump, 115V, R32
Keystone KSTAD110PD 110 Pint Dehum w/ Pump, 115V, R32 is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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With reliable dehumidifier units, Keystone produces consistent dehumidification to keep you comfortable, even on the most humid days. This commercial dehumidifier can effectively dehumidify rooms up to 2000 square feet to remove 110 pints of moisture from the air per day with a 1.45-gallon water tank to collect the discarded moisture. An alarm will sound when the tank if full so you know when it's time to empty. When it's time, simply attach the included 8.25-ft. drain hose and press the drain button to begin the emptying process. Featuring whole copper pipe for the condenser and evaporator keep the dehumidifier running as efficiently as possible, you can set the humidity level from 20-90%. This dehumidifier is perfect for large-sized spaces like warehouses, garages, and much more. Convenience features include a programmable 24-hour timer, and outage memory so if the power goes out, the unit will start back up exactly where it left off. You'll know when it's time to easily remove and clean the mesh filter with the Check Filter alert. Keystone not only provides a 1-year warranty but ensures that you stay dry and comfortable at a cost-conscious price.
Product Name
Country of Origin (subject to change)
Spec Sheet
Features110-Pint commercial dehumidifier, Designed for extra large rooms up to 2000-sq. ft., 1.45-gallon water tank, 360-degree front caster wheels with 2 large wheels at the back for added stability, 8.25-ft drain hose included
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