Midea MLV45N3BWW-G-KIT 4.5 CF Top Load Washer (MLV45N3BWW) & 7.5 CF Gas Dryer (MLG45N3BWW)
Midea MLV45N3BWW-G-KIT 4.5 CF Top Load Washer (MLV45N3BWW) & 7.5 CF Gas Dryer (MLG45N3BWW) is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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Fit more in each wash cycle with this Midea 4.5-cu. ft. top-load washer with Agi-Peller and 7.5-cu. ft. front-load gas dryer. This washer features 12 pre-set cycles with extra rinse and soak options, a stainless-steel tub, and a look-through lid. The unique Wave Impeller features hinged scoops at the bottom of the washtub which propels water upward, more effectively tumbling laundry. The soft-close glass lid lets you view your wash without interrupting the cycle. Its slam-proof hinge delivers a smooth, soft lid closing. This gas dryer brings thoughtful features and heightened drying power to your home laundry system. Take the guesswork out of drying with 12 preset drying cycles, 5 drying options, 5 temperature levels, and 5 dryness levels. This dryer uses Sensor Dry technology to automatically adjust the drying time to protect clothes from over-drying.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
Features4.5-cu. ft. washer, Wave Impeller provides more water motion for a thorough but gentle cleaning, Look-through lid allows you to see the status of your laundry without lifting the lid, 12 wash cycles: normal active wear whites heavy duty tub clean spin only quick wash bulky/sheets delicates rinse and spin casual towels, Dispenser: detergent bleach softener
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