Mora MRB172N6AWE 17 CF Counter-Depth Bottom-Mount Refrigerator, 31" Wide
Mora MRB172N6AWE 17 CF Counter-Depth Bottom-Mount Refrigerator, 31" Wide is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Delivery and Shipping
Mora Products can be shipped via standard methods using carriers such as UPS, FedEx, and USPS. Very large, heavy, or bulky items (like bathtubs and appliances) as well as large-quantity orders, may require oversized freight delivery, which can add an additonal shipping charge. Please contact us if you have any questions at 844-438-7674
Return Policy
Return Policy
You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
Please contact us if you have any questions
MORA refrigerators are designed with intelligent features that help to keep your favorite foods fresh and organized, so everything is within easy reach. Count on the large fridge capacity you need for family gatherings and holiday celebrations, plus versatile features like adjustable glass shelves and a full-width pantry drawer. And MORA refrigerators lead the way with ENERGY STAR efficiency, the best way to help you save on utility costs while conserving our natural resources.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
FeaturesA front-mounted electronic touch control panel lets you adjust the temperature anytime with just a touch, The bottom-mounted freezer design places fresh fruits veggies meats and dairy up where you are within easy reach, LED lights in both the fresh-food compartment and freezer offer greater visibility even in the back corners., The full-width pantry drawer bin provides ample storage and keeps your produce fresh and flavorful, Meets the efficiency standards for ENERGY STAR certification ensuring low energy usage and lower operating costs over time
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