Panasonic NN-SE785S 1.6 cu ft 1250W Cyclonic Wave, Stainless front, Dial Control
Panasonic NN-SE785S 1.6 cu ft 1250W Cyclonic Wave, Stainless front, Dial Control is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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You may return most item(s) in their original unopened package within 30 days from the date of receipt. (Please note some items may be sepical order non-returnable). If your item(s) get approved for return, you will be credited the full amount minus any shipping charges and restocking fees.
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Microwaving has evolved! When it comes to everything you expect in a microwave, nothing compares with the defrosting, cooking, and reheating capability of the new Cyclonic Wave. At every temperature level, Cyclonic Wave circulates heat in precision, ultra-efficient 3D waves for easier, more versatile food preparation, even with denser, more complex food textures. This exceptional microwave also includes patented Inverter Technology. Unlike traditional microwaves that rely on pulse-on, pulse-off power at lower temperatures, Inverter Technology delivers a constant stream of cooking power at every temperature. The result? More evenly cooked meals edges to centers every time. Put together, Cyclonic Wave with Inverter Technology provides the fastest, most efficient way to enjoy perfectly prepared snacks, sides, and meals across a broader range of cooking techniques, while also maintaining more of the natural nutrients and flavor you want. It's the ultimate combination in advanced micro
Product Name
Spec Sheet
Features1250W microwave oven with 1.6-cu. ft. capacity and 15-inch glass turntable for built-in or countertop installation, Trim kit for built-in installation sold separately - part # NN?TK722SS (27-in.) / NN?TK732SS (30-in.), Clever design gives you maximum interior space with a minimal footprint, Elegant designer styling with electrostatic glass touch controls and door, Cyclonic Wave for ultra-efficient cooking at all temperature levels
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