Sharp SCH2443GB 24" Induction Cooktop, 4 Heating Zones
Sharp SCH2443GB 24" Induction Cooktop, 4 Heating Zones is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Enjoy the convenience of a stove cooktop without installing a full range with Sharp's 30-In. Drop-In Radiant Cooktop. From simmering to boiling, the settings and features of Sharp electric cooktops help meet your every need. Plus, standalone cooktops provide versatility to your kitchen design since they can be placed on an island or anywhere along a countertop to compliment your wall oven or provide additional cook space. The Sharp 30-inch Electric Cooktop is a powerful, beautiful addition to your dream kitchen. The black mirror finish of the glass surface is a perfect match for modern appliances and can be combined with our Easy Wave Open Microwave Drawer Oven and our European Convection Built-In Single Wall Oven. Enjoy precise temperature control with touch-glass controls for each of the four cooking zones.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
FeaturesFour cooking zones including double heater capability to provide for larger pots and pans, Convenient bridge element accommodates for oblong cookware griddles and grill pans, Precise low power option provides low even and consistent cooking performance for your most delicate soups sauces and chocolate, Four individual cooking zone timers plus an additional independent timer
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