Sharp SDW6767HS 24" Smart Top Ctrl Dishwasher, 45 dBA, 3rd Rack
Sharp SDW6767HS 24" Smart Top Ctrl Dishwasher, 45 dBA, 3rd Rack is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The Stainless-Steel Smart Dishwasher from Sharp that Works with Alexa. The Sharp SDW6767HS Smart Dishwasher brings practical smart home features to a versatile and powerful dishwashing experience. With six washing cycles, seven options, outstanding washing power, and an adjustable third rack, the SDW6767HS is ready to help. Just ask Alexa, "Alexa, set the dishwasher cycle to heavy duty." Amazon Echo device not included. Bright LED Lights The SDW6767HS features a durable stainless steel interior and two bright white LED interior lights. Power Wash Place your most soiled pots and pans near the third sprayer for extra scrubbing power with Power Wash. Adjustable Third Rack The adjustable third rack is ideal for flatware and serving utensils. Slide the right shelf over the left for extra room on the Upper Rack. Premium Glide Rails Premium smooth glide rails are built with quality in mind.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
FeaturesThe First Smart Dishwasher by Sharp that Works with Alexa 1, Bright White LED Interior Lighting for a Clear View Inside Your Dishwasher, More Dependable Than Condensation Drying Our Heated Dry Option is Fast and Efficient, Premium Smooth Glide Rails Built with Quality In Mind Glide with the Slightest Touch, Specialized Power Wash Sprayer for Extra Scrubbing Power
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