Bosch SHE53B75UC 300 Rec Hndl, 6/6 cycles, 46dba, 15 place setting
Bosch SHE53B75UC 300 Rec Hndl, 6/6 cycles, 46dba, 15 place setting is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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The SHE53B75UC 24" 300 Series Smart Recessed Handle Dishwasher from Bosch comes with 15 place settings with 6 wash programs and 6 cycle options to choose from. The ENERGY STAR® certified dishwasher features an EasyGlide rack system, PureDry, PrecisionWash, and AquaStop Plus. A range of technologies makes Bosch the quietest dishwasher brand in the U.S. with impressively low decibel levels. For you, that means never having to wait until going to bed to run the dishwasher. With Bosch's PrecisionWash, simply start your dishwasher and walk away. Precision spray arms target tough, stuck-on food while a sanitized option eliminates 99.9% of bacteria for a reliable clean, every time. Every dishwasher must pass 485 quality checks--including running every single one with water--before leaving the factory. So you can rest assured that your dishwasher is built to withstand whatever life throws your way. A leak is the last thing you want to happen to your kitchen. AquaStop Plus features additional sensors to ensure that any potential leaks are quickly detected and contained. Surgery is an energy-efficient, closed-drying system that does not pull in outside air and gently whisks moisture away from dishes as they cool. And with no exposed heating element, you can safely place plastics anywhere. Most Bosch dishwashers with the PureDry system also feature a Sanitize Option that ends each cycle with an extra hot wash, heating the water to 162 degrees and effectively eliminating 99.9% of bacteria. The results are thoroughly clean, sanitized, and dry dishes. This Bosch dishwasher is ENERGY STAR certified and meets or exceeds federal guidelines, for year-round energy savings. Quality materials and design make the EasyGlide rack system smooth, so you get an effortless feel with every pull--even when the rack is fully loaded.
Product Name
Spec Sheet
Features46 dBA: dishwasher runsquietly so your kitchen conversations aren't interrupted., With PrecisionWash intelligent sensors and precision spray arms target every item of every, load so dishes come out sparkling clean every time., Connect to WiFi and enable Home Connect to reorder dish tabs via Amazon plus get alerts, when dishes are done.
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