Stiebel Eltron Tankless Water Heater - Tempra 24 Plus - Electric, On Demand Hot Water, Eco, White, 20.2
Stiebel Eltron Tankless Water Heater - Tempra 24 Plus - Electric, On Demand Hot Water, Eco, White, 20.2 is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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"The Stiebel Eltron Tempra 24 Plus Tankless Water Heater features exclusive Advanced Flow Control German patented technology invented by Stiebel Eltron to automatically maintain water temperature for constant comfort. Itll reduce flow slightly if hot water demand exceeds capacity to ensure that hot showers will never be interrupted. Tempra 24 Plus will typically use 15-20% less energy compared to conventional electric tank water heaters. Although, its possible to save significantly more energy depending on personal home usage habits. The difference is that conventional tank water heaters continually store hot water, and as a result, lose 15%-20% of the total energy consumed to the environment around them. This is called standby heat loss. Tank water heaters that use gas or oil are even less efficient, because they also lose heat through their vents to the outdoors. Our tankless water heaters do not need venting, and will not store hot water, waiting for you to use it. They operate on-demand to provide continuous and endless hot water when you need it, and not waste energy when you dont. CERTIFICATIONS INCLUDE - ANSI/UL Std. 499, CSA Std. C22.2 No. 88, ISO 9001, WQA tested & certified against NSF/ANSI 372 for lead free compliance. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS - Single Phase 50/60 Hz; Voltage: 240 V/208 V; Wattage: 24 KW/18 KW; Min. recommended household electric service 150 A; Amperage draw: 2 x 50 A 2 x 44 A; Number and min. recommended size of circuit breakers: 2 x 50 A (DP); Number of runs and min. recommended wire size (copper): 2 x 6/2 AWG; Max. temperature rises: 92 F/82 F at 1.50 GPM, 73 F/54 F at 2.25 GPM, 54 F/41 F at 3.00 GPM, 37 F/27 F at 4.50 GPM; Min. water flow to activate unit: 0.50 GPM/1.9l/min; Weight: 16.1 lb/7.3 kg; Nominal water volume: 0.26 gal/1l; Max. inlet water temperature: 131 F/55 C; Working pressure: 150 PSI/10 BAR; Tested to pressure: 300 PSI / 20 BAR; Water connections: 3/4"" NPT."
FeaturesCONTINUOUS FLOW - Advanced Flow Control patented technology invented by Stiebel Eltron automatically maintains water temperature for constant comfort. Itll reduce flow slightly if hot water demand exceeds capacity. Hot showers will never be interrupted again | SPACE & ENERGY SAVER - Its small sleek white design saves space yet still provides endless hot water for your whole house and no venting is required. Eco friendly unit saves energy with auto-modulation and the ability to electronically control water flow. Savings monitor even shows how much you save on energy costs | EASY OPERATION - Electronic switch activates the hot water heater and its noise free while in use. Has a digital temperature display and preset temperature and memory buttons while the interior solid copper heating system does all the power work | TEMPRA 24 PLUS - This specific model is 24kW 240V requires a min recommended electric service of 150 A and offers an output water temperature of 68° to 140°F. Check our guides below to compare features of our various Trend and Plus models each available in different kW levels Tempra Plus tankless water heaters can be set to limit the maximum hot water temperature to 109°F. This can be important in some installations to prevent the possibility of scalding. | WARRANTIES INCLUDED - Stiebel Eltrons top-rated electric tankless water heaters perform with the highest standards for comfort and reliability. Our 7-Year Leakage and 3-Year Parts Warranties are included with purchase
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