Hanover TRADDNS5PC-BE-SU Traditions5pc: 4 Dining Chairs, 48" Round Cast Table, Umbrella & Base
Hanover TRADDNS5PC-BE-SU Traditions5pc: 4 Dining Chairs, 48" Round Cast Table, Umbrella & Base is shipped directly from the factory. For information regarding shipping time, please reach out to us.
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Entertain a crowd with the Traditions 5-Piece Dining Set from Hanover. This set includes four stationary dining chairs, a 48-in. round dining table, 9-ft. umbrella, and a matching umbrella stand. All the pieces in this collection are constructed using heavy-duty aluminum frames that naturally resist rust and feature elegant details. The cast-top dining table provides ample room for food and beverages and generous space for seating guests. Its scrolling lattice pattern is a stylish design accent that also prevents excess water build-up on the tables surface. Your guests will relax comfortably thanks to the thick, foam cushions firmly secured to each seat. They are treated to resist water, stains, and UV fading while maintaining their original shape. A coordinating table umbrella and stand are also included. A convenient crank lever opens and closes the canopy. A pivot under the ribs allows you to adjust the angle of shade, making it an ideal accessory to have - rain or shine. Designed for hosts who enjoy entertaining outdoors, let the Traditions dining collection provide the perfect setting for your next outdoor event.
Product Name
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Spec Sheet
Features5-Piece dining set from the Traditions Collection, Set includes: 48-in. round dining table 4 stationary chairs 4 cushions umbrella and umbrella stand, All-weather construction sealed with a protective sand-colored coating, Heavy-duty aluminum frames naturally resist rust and corrosion, Ornate cast-accents scroll across the backs of each chair and tabletop preventing excess water build-up
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